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Physics tutor with the most accurate artificial intelligence
Learn physics with AI-powered tutoring! Get your personal physics tutor today—where, for the price of just one hour, you receive a full month of expert-guided learning.
Trusted by 70,000+ Students
How it works - explained in 2 minutes
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What are people saying?
Yellow Quote
"The application is great because it also allows for independent thinking, providing the right explanation. It especially helped me as a parent, so I could explain it to my child properly and assist them."


Yellow Quote
"It explains well and includes guiding questions that lead to the correct result. An excellent tool for independent learning."


Yellow Quote
"It really helps a lot. I easily understand my homework and prepare for tests effortlessly!"


Yellow Quote
"A huge help. 😊 Excellent, even professors cannot explain things as well. 10/10."


Yellow Quote
"Short and to the point. My children are thrilled with Astra AI. As a mom, I can only add: THANK YOU!"


Yellow Quote
"Better than any instructor. Truly unreal how good this AI is."


Yellow Quote
"Amazing! Learning is much easier and more fun."


Yellow Quote
"Astra AI is my new favorite thing—I actually use it quite a bit, if not all the time."


Yellow Quote
"Great idea, a very interesting way of learning. Especially if you already know the material, it helps a lot. Really commendable!"


Yellow Quote
"My daughter uses Astra AI and I can hardly believe how much it has helped her with studying. She used to struggle with some physics problems, but now she solves them easily and actually enjoys it. Just the other day, she proudly came to me and explained things like she was the teacher! I was so happy to see how motivated she is. Thank you for this incredible tool!!"


Yellow Quote
"Astra AI is amazing for me. Now I get the same grades as before, but I no longer need to attend tutoring. This makes it much cheaper, saves time, and even reduces travel costs. And when I do an exercise, I can immediately check if I did it correctly."


Yellow Quote
"The best AI I have ever seen! I was amazed and even got a grade of 4 because of it!"


Step by step to better grades - how does it work?

Upload an image or enter a physics problem

You can upload an image via your phone or computer. When entering physics formulas, you can use the built-in math keyboard for assistance.

Solve the problem step by step

ASTRA AI will guide you through the selected problem—whether it's motion, energy, force, or other physics concepts. You will go through each step gradually for a thorough understanding.

Become independent in problem-solving

Over time, you will develop a solid foundation and gradually become independent in solving physics problems, without relying on ASTRA AI.
Frequently Asked Questions

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