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Math tutor with the most accurate artificial intelligence
Learn math with AI-powered tutoring! For the price of just one hour, you get a full month of expert-guided tutoring. And if your math grade doesn’t improve by at least 2 points, I’ll refund your money!
Trusted by 70,000+ Students
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What do parents and students say about Astra AI?

Yellow Quote
"It really helps! I improved my grade by 2."


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"Astra AI is my new favorite thing – I basically only use this now."


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"Definitely the best tool for learning math. It explains everything and adapts to you. You can ask countless questions, and it happily helps."


Yellow Quote
"I swear, this saves my life when it comes to math. I've never been great at it, but Astra AI explains things so well. It even feels like having my own personal tutor. It explains everything so clearly that I actually start to enjoy learning.😆"


Yellow Quote
"Astra AI is awesome. Now I get the same grades as if I had a tutor, but it’s way cheaper and saves me travel time. Plus, when I complete an exercise, I can check it instantly and accurately."


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"In short, my kids are absolutely loving both Astra AI and the Matura AI instructor. As a mom, I can’t thank you enough!"
Yellow Quote
"In just 1.5 hours, I learned all about algebraic fractions. Maybe I’m not perfect yet, but with practice and Astra AI, I know I’ll get really good! Huge praise!"


Yellow Quote
"Dude, I was seriously sick and missed an entire week of school right when they started new material. I turned on Astra AI just for fun, typed in 'explain Heron's formula,' and it showed me everything from start to finish. Like, what?! I came back to school feeling like I hadn’t missed anything. Guess who doesn’t need tutoring for a while? Hehe."


Yellow Quote
"It explains well, and the additional questions that guide you to the right answer are excellent. A great tool for independent learning."


Yellow Quote
"A huge help. 😍 Amazing! Professors don’t even explain this well. The explanations are better than those of any teacher. 10/10."


Yellow Quote
"Astra AI was my last hope, and it was the only thing that helped me pass math at university. 😊"


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"It helps me a lot. I understand my homework better and can prepare for tests easily!"


Get Step-by-Step Math Solutions Instantly, 24/7
Math Step 1

Snap a photo or enter a math problem.

Astra AI guides you step-by-step, not just to the answer but through the journey of understanding.
Math Step 2

Solve the problem, step by step.

ASTRA AI won’t just provide you with the answer – it will guide you through the process to give you an understanding of how to get there on your own.
Math Step 2

Become independent in problem-solving.

Over time, you’ll build a solid foundation and gain enough confidence to effectively solve complex math problems without any assistance.
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