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The most advanced AI math tutor


Forget about all your math problems – with the help of our AI tutor, you’ll gain full understanding and achieve better grades!

Join over 80,000 students, who are already studying with our AI tutor. If your math grade doesn't improve by at least 2 points, we'll refund your purchase.

Trusted by more than 80,000 students

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1.36x More Accurate Results than ChatGPT on High School Math Problems*


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*both models were tested on 15 high school math problems that large language models usually struggle with.

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What do parents and students say about Astra AI?

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"Dude, I was really sick and missed a whole week of school just when they started new material. I turned on Astra AI just for fun, typed in ‘explain Heron’s formula,’ and it showed me everything from start to finish. Like, what?! I went back to school and didn’t feel behind at all. Guess who won’t need tutoring for a while? 😴😴"


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Just wanted to give feedback about Astra AI! It’s been an incredible help for my younger sister and three of her classmates! 👏💪 I also have to say that Astra helped me too… I passed my university math exam with it!! And some people say Astra isn’t for academic success. 😏🤣"


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"This app is amazing because it lets you think for yourself but also gives you clear explanations. It especially helped me as a parent so I could better explain things to my child and help with studying."


Yellow Quote
"I tried the AI tutor, just the free version, but I have to say it's really good. The way it explains things is so simple, and even if something wasn’t clear, it broke it down into smaller steps. I think I’ll subscribe to the paid version within a week—this has huge potential. Thank you!"


Yellow Quote
"Astra AI has completely changed the way I study math. Math used to be a nightmare for me. Despite my hard work, my results were poor, and studying felt stressful. With clear explanations and solved exam questions, I finally started to understand. Now I study with confidence and actually look forward to the exam. Thank you for giving me hope!"


Yellow Quote
"I got this online tutor for my two younger kids like you suggested… Kristjan came out of his room saying, ‘Mom, check this out, it solves everything!’ 😂😂😂 He used to say he didn’t even need to go to school because he could just study at home with this. 🤣🤣 The only downside is that he can’t just copy his homework anymore because the AI makes him stop and think about what to do next. 😂😂😂"


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"Astra AI helped me with all my tests this year. With its help, I got the highest score on every math test. Whenever I found a question I didn’t know how to solve, especially an exam-level one, Astra always helped. Best regards."


Yellow Quote
"Hi Nika, Tom and I bought the program for Maya that you introduced us to. At first, we were skeptical, we don’t have much patience for studying, and you usually help us with that. But let me tell you, Maya got her first top grade in math this Thursday. She hugged us both. I personally love technology, so now I even catch her studying math after school instead of playing games. I can see that she is really trying. Homework is done, and when she doesn’t understand something, she asks us, and we solve it together. Please thank the whole team for us."


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"In short, my kids are absolutely thrilled with both Astra AI and the Matura AI tutor. As a mom, I can only say: THANK YOU!"


Yellow Quote
"By the way, Astra AI helped me so much. I didn’t understand anything about linear functions before, but I finally learned through Astra. Huge thanks, you really saved me! :)"


Yellow Quote
"Nika, hello! It’s been a few weeks since we last talked, and I just wanted to update you—Tim and Sam are using Astra (the tutor). 👍 They say everything is super clear now. I don’t know much about it myself, but Sam’s homeroom teacher even called last week to say he’s been participating more. When I talked to him, he said he reads the explanations in advance, so when he hears them in class, he remembers everything better. Looks like we’re saving money on tutoring this year! 👍💙"


Yellow Quote
"I swear this saves my life when it comes to math. I was never good at it. Astra AI explains everything so well, and it even feels like having my own tutor."


Yellow Quote
"Even after solving multiple exercises, extra tutoring, and hours of studying, I always got bad grades in math and eventually gave up, thinking math just wasn’t for me. But with Matura AI and your platform, I achieved what I thought was impossible—I now enjoy solving problems and finally understand math. Thank you for your work!"


Yellow Quote
"Astra AI was my last hope, and it was the only thing that helped me pass math at university. 😊"


Yellow Quote
"Hello! Sorry for the late reply, I completely forgot to respond. But I just had to say, Astra AI is amazing! I was one of those who got a top grade (5) on the math test. 😊 The explanations are super clear, and it never gets annoyed with you if you don’t know something. 10/10, I love it."


"It didn’t just give me the answers, but it led me step by step through the process of solution. And if I still didn’t understand, which would happen, I could ask for extra assistance just how I would ask a tutor."
Trusted by more than


students across the world

Astra AI Products

Upgrade your study experience with cutting-edge AI tools.

Product Image 1 English

AI Tutor

Get real-time help tailored to your needs, making complex concepts simple.
Product Image 2 English

Astra IB Math

Achieve higher scores with targeted practice and intelligent feedback.
Product Image 3 English

Notebook AI

Streamline your notes, find key insights, and stay on top of your studies.
Frequently Asked Questions

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